Family Archives — TWINS Magazine The Premier Publication for Multiples Since 1984 Tue, 02 Jan 2024 03:38:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Family Archives — TWINS Magazine 32 32 Financial Strain and Inadequate Support: The Reality of Raising Multiples in Australia Tue, 02 Jan 2024 03:38:48 +0000 Jasmine Bourchier is buying all her baby essentials in three's, and is quickly learning of the intense financial pressure that comes with having five-month-old triplets.
Key points: In Australia, additional Paid Parental Leave (PPL) is not provided to families of twins, triplets, or moreThe Australian Multiple Birth Association says having triplets is 13 times more expensive than having a singletonMother of triplets Jasmine Bourchier says the lack of additional PPL is demoralising and "morally unfair"After electing 12 months of maternity leave from her job, Ms Bourchier spent a month in hospital — both in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and special care.
"Already a significant chunk of my maternity leave was contributed to them being in hospital and not even under our care from day one," Ms Bourchier said.
Her triplets are battling a range of chronic conditions and other medical challenges, requiring specialist assistance from dermatologists, neurosurgeons, and plastic surgeons.
One of her triplets also has a rare birth defect called 'craniosynostosis' and will need "major remodelling" of his skull at 10 to 12 months old.
Jasmine Bouchier does not want to rush to return to work when her babies are young even, though it comes with financial restraints.(Supplied: Jasmine Bouchier)"I need more time with them, especially during these periods of uncertainty and I don't want to rush this phase and feel the pressure to need to go back to work early, even though there are fina..

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Jasmine Bourchier, a mother to five-month-old triplets, is experiencing the steep financial challenges of raising multiple children. Consequently, she is becoming acutely aware of the intense pressures involved.

Examining Australia’s PPL Policy

  • Families with twins or triplets receive no extra Paid Parental Leave (PPL) in Australia.
  • The Australian Multiple Birth Association reports that raising triplets is 13 times more expensive than a single child.
  • Bourchier finds this PPL policy demoralizing and unjust.

After opting for a year-long maternity leave, Bourchier spent a significant portion of it in hospital care, including time in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). “A large part of my maternity leave was dedicated to their hospital stay,” she stated.

Her triplets are dealing with various health issues, requiring care from specialists such as dermatologists and neurosurgeons. Additionally, one of her triplets has ‘craniosynostosis,’ a rare condition needing major surgery at about 10 to 12 months.

A woman sits in a chir smiling with her three babies on her lap.
Jasmine Bouchier faces financial challenges but prioritizes time with her babies. (Supplied: Jasmine Bouchier)

“I need more time with them, especially now,” Bourchier explained. “I can’t rush back to work, despite our financial situation.”

AMBA’s Call for Change

The Australian Multiple Birth Association (AMBA) is urging the government to offer more leave for parents of multiples. Currently, Australia’s PPL doesn’t cater to families with twins or triplets.

AMBA’s recent report shows Australia offers the least support for parents of multiples among OECD countries. “If I had children separately, I’d get different maternity leaves,” Bourchier noted. “But having triplets at once doesn’t count.”

The Cost of Raising Triplets

Silje Andersen-Cooke, a director at AMBA and a mother of triplets, highlights the financial burden. “Raising triplets is extremely costly,” she said. “Parents often deal with premature births and need more home help.”

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare warns of financial stress and social challenges for these families. Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth mentioned existing aids like newborn payments and supplements. These are means-tested. “For multiple births, we offer Parental Leave Pay for one child and other payments for additional children,” she stated.

However, these aids don’t cover all families. Andersen-Cooke believes every parent of multiples deserves extra time off, regardless of income.

This article is a summarized version of a report originally published by ABC News. It has been rewritten for our readers at Twins Magazine, with a focus on the unique challenges faced by families with multiples in Australia.  For the full original report, please refer to ABC News.

The post Financial Strain and Inadequate Support: The Reality of Raising Multiples in Australia appeared first on TWINS Magazine.

Roundup of Top High Chairs for On-the-Go Parents Sun, 31 Dec 2023 04:46:21 +0000 Pop ‘n Sit SE Highchair 4.64,128 Ratings Buy On Amazon ciao! baby Portable High Chair 4.65,616 Ratings Buy On Amazon Century Dine On 4.74,489 Ratings Buy On Amazon Disney Baby…

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The Summer Pop ‘n Sit SE Highchair is a fantastic product for parents who are always on the go. It offers a compact fold, making it easy to transport and store. The high chair also has a convenient tray with a cup holder, making mealtime a breeze. It is easy to clean with its removable fabric seat and dishwasher-safe tray. Additionally, it has a 3-point safety harness to keep your little one secure. Overall, the Summer Pop ‘n Sit SE Highchair is a highly recommended choice for its convenience, functionality, and value for money.

  • The Summer Infant Pop ‘n Sit SE Highchair is portable and can be used for indoor and outdoor dining. It’s perfect for families on the go.
  • The highchair has a compact fold design, making it easy to store and travel with. It can be folded up and placed in the included carry bag.
  • Cleanup is a breeze with the Pop ‘n Sit SE Highchair. It has a removable, machine-washable fabric and a dishwasher-safe tray with a cup holder.
  • The tray size may be too small to fit larger cups in the cup holder.
  • Some customers have reported issues with broken belt clips upon arrival, requiring them to seek assistance through customer service.
  • The seat may not provide enough support for smaller babies, requiring additional padding or towels to keep them upright.

The ciao! baby Portable High Chair is a game-changer for families on the move. This high chair is incredibly portable, with a lightweight design and a convenient carrying bag. It sets up in seconds, providing a safe and secure seating option for your child. The chair is also easy to clean, with a wipeable fabric and a removable tray. With its durable construction, the ciao! baby Portable High Chair is a reliable choice for camping trips, visits to family, or days at the beach. It is highly recommended for its portability, ease of use, and safety features.

  • Lightweight and portable, making it easy to bring along for outdoor activities and travel.
  • Foldable design allows for easy storage and quick setup, with no assembly required.
  • Easy to clean feeding tray, with a built-in cup holder, making mealtime hassle-free.
  • Tray tilts downwards, which may make it difficult for children to eat off their own plates.
  • Cup holder may not accommodate all types of sippy cups, limiting its functionality.
  • Shoulder straps on the harness are longer than necessary, causing them to remain somewhat loose.

The Century Dine On high chair is a versatile and adjustable seating solution for children of various ages. This product can be used as a baby high chair, a tot booster, a child stool, or a big kid chair, making it a practical choice that grows with your child. It is made with recycled materials, showcasing the brand’s commitment to sustainability. The Century Dine On high chair also offers an affordable price point and excellent customer reviews, making it a worthwhile investment for parents. Overall, it is highly recommended for its versatility, adjustability, and eco-friendly design.

  • Versatility: The Century Dine On 4-in-1 High Chair can be used in four different stages, from baby high chair to big kid chair, making it a long-lasting investment.
  • Sustainable Materials: The Happy Planet Collection of this high chair features fabrics made with recycled materials, aligning with the brand’s commitment to recycling and giving back.
  • Easy to Clean: The dishwasher-safe tray insert and machine-washable seat pad make cleaning this high chair a breeze, ensuring that mealtime messes are quickly taken care of.
  • Lack of Instructions: Some customers have mentioned that they were unable to find instructions on how to collapse the high chair for storage purposes, which can be inconvenient.
  • Tricky Assembly: While the high chair is generally easy to assemble, a few customers have found it slightly challenging to fit the parts together during the assembly process.
  • Non-Folding Design: Unlike some other high chairs on the market, the Century Dine On 4-in-1 High Chair does not fold, which may be a drawback for those looking for a more compact storage option.

The Disney Baby Simple Fold Plus High Chair, Minnie Dot Fun is a fantastic buy for parents. It features a cute and vibrant Minnie Mouse design that children will love. The high chair is easy to set up and can be folded flat, making it convenient for travel or storage. It also offers a comfortable seat with a 3-point harness to ensure your child’s safety. The Disney Baby Simple Fold Plus High Chair is highly recommended for its quality, functionality, and value for money.

  • The Disney Baby Simple Fold Plus High Chair is easy to fold and stands on its own, making it convenient to hide away or take on the go.
  • The high chair has a no-nonsense design that sets up in just seconds, saving you time and effort.
  • It features a full-size, 3-position adjustable tray with a built-in cup holder and removable tray insert, providing convenience and versatility.
  • The chair does not recline, which may be a downside for some parents who prefer a reclining option.
  • The wipe clean material of the chair cannot be removed for washing, making it prone to staining if your baby is a messy eater.
  • Some users have reported that their babies slid off the chair, especially when they were younger and not yet sitting independently.

The Costzon Baby High Chair is an excellent choice for parents looking for a sturdy and versatile seating option. It offers an adjustable design, allowing it to grow with your child. The high chair can also be converted into a table and chair set, extending its usability as your child grows older. It is easy to clean, with a removable tray and a wipeable seat pad. Despite some initial challenges with the assembly instructions, the Costzon Baby High Chair is highly recommended for its durability, adjustability, and multi-functional design.

  • Versatility – The Costzon Baby High Chair offers a 3-in-1 design, allowing it to be easily converted into a high chair, toddler booster seat, or kids table and chair set. This versatility meets the diverse needs of babies at every stage of their growth.
  • Safety – With a five-point safety belt and smooth corners, this high chair is designed to keep your baby securely in place without the risk of injury. It provides peace of mind for parents, knowing that their child is safe while in the chair.
  • Adjustable Features – The seat back and feeding tray of this high chair are both adjustable, providing flexibility for different feeding and relaxing positions. The tray can also be positioned to accommodate your baby’s growing needs.
  • Assembly Instructions – Some customers found the assembly instructions to be useless. However, they were able to figure out how to assemble the chair by looking at the provided photo.
  • Tray Attachment Difficulty – A few customers mentioned that attaching the tray to the chair can be a bit challenging. It requires aligning the buttons on the chair with the holes on the tray, and some had difficulty getting both sides to securely lock in place.
  • Lack of Removable Front Wheels – One downside mentioned by a customer was the absence of removable front wheels. They suggested that having removable wheels would make it easier to move the chair when in highchair mode and remove them when using it as a table.

The Fisher-Price Baby Spacesaver High Chair is a secure and high-quality product that is perfect for families with limited space. Its space-saving design allows it to fit easily in any corner of your home, while still providing a comfortable seating solution for your little one. The chair is easy to assemble and features adjustable features such as a reclining seat and adjustable tray positions. The durable construction ensures that it will last through years of use, making it a practical choice for parents. Overall, this high chair offers convenience and reliability, making it highly recommended.

  • All the features of a full-size high chair in half the space.
  • Can be used as an infant high chair and toddler booster in one, with customizable height adjustments and recline positions.
  • Easy to clean, with a dishwasher-safe seat, tray, and bonus tray insert, as well as a machine-washable seat pad and 5-point harness.
  • The backrest doesn’t sit up straight enough, which can make reaching for food more difficult.
  • The shoulder straps hold the baby tight against the backrest, even at the longest setting, which can be uncomfortable.
  • The top part of the backrest may come off easily when the child pulls forward with the harness on, which can be a safety concern.

The Inglesina Fast Table Chair is a reliable and convenient high chair solution for parents on the go. Its innovative design allows it to attach securely to most tables, making it perfect for dining out or traveling. The chair is lightweight and easy to carry, and it can be quickly cleaned with a damp cloth. Despite its portable nature, it doesn’t compromise on quality, with a sturdy construction that ensures your child’s safety. With its impressive features and durability, the Inglesina Fast Table Chair is highly recommended for its practicality and long-lasting performance.

  • Space-saving and convenient – The Inglesina Fast Table Chair allows for your baby to sit with you at the table, saving space in your home and eliminating the need for a separate high chair.
  • Portable and easy to use – With its integrated travel-friendly carry bag and folding capacity, this high chair is perfect for on-the-go parents. It can be easily set up and taken off the table, making it ideal for traveling or dining out.
  • Easy to clean and durable – The materials used in this high chair are durable and washable, ensuring that it will last for years. The removable cover can be thrown in the washing machine, making it easy to keep clean and looking brand new.
  • Size limitations – This high chair is designed to attach to most dining tables up to 3.5 inches thick. If your table has a piece that sticks down, it may not be able to fit properly. It’s important to ensure that it will fit on your table before purchasing.
  • Separate tray not included – The Inglesina Fast Table Chair does not come with a tray. However, a separate accessory tray is available for purchase to make meal times mess-free.
  • Limited weight and age range – This high chair is suitable for babies and toddlers between 6 and 36 months, and up to 37 pounds. If your child exceeds these weight or age limits, you may need to find an alternative option.

The Graco Made2Grow 6 in 1 High Chair stands out for its exceptional functionality and versatility. This high chair offers six different growing stages, allowing it to adapt to your child’s needs from infancy to the big kid phase. It features a footrest for added comfort, an easy-to-remove tray for convenience, and adjustable levels for ease of use. The positive reviews from other customers further validate its quality and performance. If you’re looking for a reliable and adaptable high chair that will grow with your child, the Graco Made2Grow is an excellent choice.

  • The Graco high chair has 6 growing stages, from infant to big kid, making it a versatile option that can be used for several years.
  • The high chair has a footrest, providing added comfort for the child and allowing them to put their feet up.
  • The tray is easy to remove with just one hand, making it convenient for parents to clean and use.
  • Some users mentioned that the tray can be difficult to maneuver and requires squeezing the front bottom to attach and detach.
  • The assembly process may be a bit challenging, particularly when attaching the legs. However, the manual provides helpful information for easy assembly.
  • The tray comes with a second detachable tray, which some users may find unnecessary or inconvenient to store.

The Graco Floor2Table 7 in 1 High Chair is a practical and reliable investment for any family. Its easy-clean materials make mealtime clean-up a breeze, while its versatile seating options ensure that it can be used from infancy to toddlerhood. The durable construction of this high chair guarantees its longevity, making it a worthy investment. Whether you need a traditional high chair or a floor seat for your little one, the Graco Floor2Table 7 in 1 High Chair has got you covered.

  • Versatility – The Graco Floor2Table 7-in-1 High Chair offers 7 growing stages, from an infant floor seat to a big kid table and chair. It can be easily converted to suit your child’s needs as they grow.
  • Easy to Clean – The high chair is made with easy-clean materials, including a stain-resistant, wipe-clean foam seatback. This makes clean-up a snap and helps keep the high chair clean almost all the time.
  • Multiple Trays – The high chair comes with two trays: a snack-sized smaller tray and a larger full-size tray. This gives you options for mealtime and makes it easy to switch between snacks and full meals.
  • Tray removal can be difficult – Some users have mentioned that removing the tray can be a bit tricky. It requires using your palm to push the button under the tray, and it may not come out if it’s at an angle.
  • Awkward to move – The high chair has a lever behind it for lifting and sliding, but some users have found it awkward to move around. This might be a concern for those who are worried about scratching their floors.
  • Doesn’t fold up – Unlike some other high chairs, the Graco Floor2Table 7-in-1 High Chair does not fold up. While it’s a great piece of furniture, it may not be as easily stored or transported as a foldable high chair.

The Graco DuoDiner LX High Chair is a fantastic investment for families looking for a reliable and functional high chair. Its versatility allows it to accommodate both infants and toddlers, making it a practical choice for growing families. The chair’s durable construction ensures its longevity, while its ease of use and adjustable features make it a user-friendly option for parents. With positive customer reviews and personal experiences, it’s clear that the Graco DuoDiner LX High Chair is a standout product in terms of quality and reliability.

  • 3-in-1 convertible highchair that grows with your child
  • Infant highchair reclines to provide a comfortable space for baby
  • Easily converts to a booster seat when your child is ready
  • Reports of scratching wood floors
  • No wheel lock for easy mobility
  • Moving the chair can be difficult and awkward

The post Roundup of Top High Chairs for On-the-Go Parents appeared first on TWINS Magazine.

Twins Nursery: Convenient and Versatile Nursery Center Sun, 31 Dec 2023 04:15:57 +0000 Having twins is an absolute whirlwind of joy and challenges. When we began our search for the perfect gear to help us on this journey many years ago, I wish…

The post Twins Nursery: Convenient and Versatile Nursery Center appeared first on TWINS Magazine.


Having twins is an absolute whirlwind of joy and challenges. When we began our search for the perfect gear to help us on this journey many years ago, I wish there was the Baby Trend Retreat Twins Nursery Center in Quarry. It would have been a godsend!

Setting it up is child’s play. You’ll immediately notice the quality – it’s not just about functionality, but it genuinely feels like it was crafted with care. Those detachable bassinets? Total game changers. Whether nestled together or used as separate rockers, you’ll have flexibility you didn’t know you needed. The added canopy and handle are such thoughtful touches, making outings just a tad bit smoother.

A favorite feature has to be the electronic music center. The adjustable volume, soft nightlight, and that calming vibration mode make bedtime a more peaceful experience. And trust me, with twins, every bit of peace counts!

In short, it’s more than just a piece of baby equipment. For your family, it’ll be a little island of convenience in the sea of twin parenting. If you’re on this twin journey, give it a look; it might just be the helping hand you’ve been looking for.

Convenient for Twins

twins nursery


With newborns, will find the Baby Trend Retreat Twins Nursery Center to be a game changer. And if you’ve got multiple levels in your house, this’ll will save you time and energy. The removable bassinets are incredibly convenient, allowing you to have a sleeping space for your babies wherever you need it. Additionally, the diaper changing station is a fantastic feature that can be accessed from any room. As your babies grow older, taking them out of the house will also be a breeze with this nursery center. Overall, it provides a welcome convenience and flexibility.

Easy Assembly and Sturdy Materials

twins nursery


The process of setting up the Baby Trend Retreat Twins Nursery Center is relatively straightforward. It comes mostly in large pieces that easily click into place. The materials  are of high quality and provide a sturdy and durable feel. From the netting to the metal and plastic parts, everything is designed to last. The bassinets, which can be converted into standalone rockers, are well-built and come with plush fabric and mesh sides for proper ventilation. The play yard itself is compact and lightweight, making it easy to move around. Overall, the assembly process is manageable, and the materials used in this product are excellent.

Twins nursery : Practical Accessories

twins nursery


Several practical accessories are included with the Baby Trend Retreat Twins Nursery Center. The organizer, although somewhat limited when using the bassinets, provides additional storage space for diapers and wipes. The sound/vibrator box snaps onto the bassinet and operates on batteries, providing soothing sounds and vibrations for your babies. The changing table, while not usable with one of the bassinets clipped in, offers a convenient space for diaper changes. The travel bag included with the nursery center allows for easy transportation and storage. While there are some limitations with the accessories, they still add value to the overall functionality of the product.

Compact Size and Storage Space

twins nursery


With its compact size and compatibility with two separate detachable bassinets, the Baby Trend Retreat Twins Nursery Center is worth considering. It does not take up much room but provides a great primary or additional sleep spot for infant twins. The play yard has a gap between the bassinets, which creates a storage space for blankets, swaddles, toys, and sheets. The slim design of the bassinets makes them easy to carry and store. Overall, this product offers a practical and space-saving solution for parents of twins.

Positive User Reviews

twins nursery


Users have overwhelmingly given the Baby Trend Retreat Twins Nursery Center positive reviews. Many parents express their satisfaction with the convenience and functionality of this product. Users appreciate the ease of assembly and the sturdy materials used in its construction. The bassinets are highly praised for their comfort and safety features. Some users mention the limitations of certain accessories, but overall, the nursery center is well-received. Parents of twins find it to be a must-have item that simplifies their daily routines.

Versatile and Comfy for Babies


Babies will not only find the Baby Trend Retreat Twins Nursery Center comfortable, but it is also practical for parents. The colors and design are cute and neutral, fitting well in any baby room. The bassinets provide a cozy sleeping space, and the option to convert them into standalone rockers adds versatility. The bassinets are slightly heavy but still easy to move when needed. Users have installed the bassinets and changing table together without any issues. Overall, this product is suitable for one or two babies and ensures their comfort and safety. Please note that the structure and content of the sections have been modified for clarity and readability.


  • Convenience – The Baby Trend Retreat Twins Nursery Center provides convenience for parents of twins. The removable bassinets make it easy to move the babies around the house, and the diaper changing station can be set up in any room.
  • Versatility – This nursery center offers versatile features. The bassinets can be converted into stand-alone rockers, and they come with canopies and carry handles. The play yard can be easily folded for travel or storage.
  • Additional Features – The nursery center includes a deluxe parent organizer, which is useful for storing diapers and wipes. It also has an electronic music center with volume control, nightlight, and vibration, offering soothing sounds and comfort to the babies.


  • Limited Use of Organizer – One downside is that the parent organizer cannot be used when both bassinets are in use. It clips into the same spot as the bassinets, limiting its functionality.
  • Changing Table Limitation – The changing table cannot be used when one of the bassinets is clipped in. It flips into the play yard and sits inside where the bassinet is placed. This may limit its usefulness for some parents.
  • Instructions in Spanish – Some customers have mentioned that the product only came with instructions in Spanish, which can be inconvenient for those who don’t understand the language.

Read also:

Wrap up

The Baby Trend Retreat Twins Nursery Center, Quarry exceeds expectations. Its thoughtful design and practical features make caring for your twinnies much more manageable. The positive customer reviews speak for themselves. If you’re looking for a reliable and versatile nursery center, we highly recommend considering the Baby Trend Retreat Twins Nursery Center, Quarry.

Questions & Answers:

Question: Can the bassinets be used separately from the play yard?

Answer: Yes, the bassinets can be detached and used as stand-alone rockers. They come with canopies, carry handles, and plush fabric for the baby’s comfort.

Question: Is the changing table easy to set up?

Answer: The changing table may require some intuition due to the instructions being a bit ambiguous. However, with a little trial and error, it can be properly set up.

Question: Is the nursery center compact in size?

Answer: Yes, the nursery center is designed to be compact. It doesn’t take up a lot of room, making it suitable for smaller spaces.

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The Ultimate Nursing Pillow for Twins – A Game-Changer for Moms Sat, 30 Dec 2023 05:48:28 +0000 If you’re a mom of twins, you know how challenging it can be to breastfeed both babies at the same time. That’s where the My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow for…

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If you’re a mom of twins, you know how challenging it can be to breastfeed both babies at the same time. That’s where the My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow for Twins comes in. This pillow is designed to provide optimal support and comfort during breastfeeding, with features like a secure wrap-around design, adjustable straps, and a handy side pocket.

The single size pillow is perfect for feeding a single baby, offering excellent support and allowing for a hands-free experience. The added humps provide a comfortable resting place for the baby’s head. But for moms of twins, the twin size pillow is a game-changer. Its large design comfortably supports both babies during feeding, and the additional low back support is a bonus. The pillow securely wraps around the body, ensuring a secure fit and promoting an ideal position for latch and comfort.

Its popularity speaks volumes about its effectiveness in supporting successful nursing experiences for millions of moms worldwide. So if you’re looking for a nursing pillow that can help make breastfeeding your twins a more comfortable and enjoyable experience, the My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow for Twins is definitely worth considering.

Choosing the Right Size of My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow


When it comes to breastfeeding pillows, the My Brest Friend brand offers two different sizes to choose from. The first size is the single pillow, which is the classic and standard size. It securely latches around your body, providing excellent support and stability. This size is ideal for feeding a single baby and comes with comfortable pillow rests for your little one’s head. Additionally, you can add extra pillows underneath for more support, allowing you to be hands-free during feeding sessions. Overall, the single pillow is a popular choice for its reliability and convenience. On the other hand, the My Brest Friend brand also offers a larger twin pillow for mothers with twins or those who are tandem nursing. This pillow is significantly bigger and also straps around your back, providing extra support for your lower back. It is designed to comfortably accommodate two babies at once, making it perfect for twin nursing. The twin pillow features a spacious design with a handy accessory pocket, allowing you to keep essentials close by. While this size may be bulky for some, many moms appreciate the added space and versatility it offers, even when nursing a single baby.

Product Reviews


The My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow for Twins has received overwhelmingly positive reviews from satisfied customers. Many users have praised its ability to support tandem breastfeeding, making it a true lifesaver for mothers of twins. The pillow provides enough support for both babies and allows for hands-free feeding. It also offers additional benefits such as a pocket for storing items and lower back support.Customers have also highlighted the pillow’s stability and comfort, noting that it keeps babies in a secure position while breastfeeding. Some reviewers have even found creative uses for the twin pillow when nursing a single baby, appreciating the extra space and support it provides. The overall consensus is that the My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow for Twins is a well-made and reliable product, highly recommended for mothers looking to make their breastfeeding journey more comfortable and convenient.

Essential for Everyday Use


Many users have found the My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow for Twins to be an essential item for everyday use. While initially skeptical of the price, those expecting twins have discovered its exceptional value. The pillow is not only useful for tandem feedings but also provides support for elderly family members who bottle-feed babies. It offers great elbow support and is particularly favored for use in rocking chairs during feedings. The versatility and comfort of this pillow make it a must-have for every new mom.


Twin Mom Life-Saver

For mothers of twins, the My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow has proven to be a life-saver when it comes to breastfeeding. Its sturdy construction and excellent support make it the go-to choice for tandem feeding. The pillow eliminates the need for extra pillows and provides a comfortable, secure position for both babies. Many twin moms have expressed their gratitude for this product, as it has made their breastfeeding journey much more manageable and enjoyable.

Must-Have Nursing Pillow

Customers have praised the My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow for Twins as a must-have item for all new moms. Its sturdy packaging and high-quality construction are highly appreciated. Users have found it useful not only for newborn babies but also for older infants up to 7-8 months. The pillow offers the perfect size, length, and thickness, ensuring maximum comfort for both mom and baby. Overall, the My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow is a reliable and essential tool for successful breastfeeding.


  • The My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow for Twins provides excellent support for moms who are breastfeeding twins, helping to maintain a healthy posture and alleviate strain in the back, arms, shoulders, and neck.
  • This twin nursing pillow allows for tandem nursing, with its large design comfortably supporting both twins during breastfeeding or bottle feeding.
  • The ergonomic design of this twin breastfeeding pillow includes a secure wrap-around design, supportive backrest, and adjustable silent-release straps, promoting an ideal position for latch and comfort for both mom and babies.


  • The twin version of the pillow is quite large and can be cumbersome, taking up a significant amount of space.
  • Some modifications may be necessary to make the pillow more comfortable, such as adding additional support or adjusting the position of the Velcro and clasp.
  • The back support feature of the twin pillow may not be suitable for those with a larger build or if there is not enough space between the user and the pillow.

Read also:

The My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow for Twins is a lifesaver for moms of twins or those who are tandem nursing. Its ergonomic design, secure fit, and additional features like the side pocket make it a reliable and convenient breastfeeding essential. Whether you are feeding a single baby or twins, this pillow provides the necessary support to alleviate strain on your back, arms, shoulders, and neck.

Questions & Answers:

Question: Is the My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow for Twins suitable for breastfeeding single babies?

Answer: Yes, many moms have found the larger twin pillow to be useful even when breastfeeding a single baby. The extra space and support can provide added comfort and convenience.

Question: Can the twin pillow be used for other purposes besides breastfeeding?

Answer: While the pillow is primarily designed for breastfeeding, some moms have found it useful for bottle feeding or simply providing support for holding their babies. The accessory pocket also comes in handy for storing small items.

Question: Does the My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow for Twins come with a removable cover?

Answer: Yes, the pillow comes with a removable cover, making it easy to clean and maintain hygiene.

The post The Ultimate Nursing Pillow for Twins – A Game-Changer for Moms appeared first on TWINS Magazine.

Factors that Increase your Chances of having Twins Mon, 12 Sep 2022 05:20:13 +0000 In theory, anything that increases your chance of ovulating more than one egg at a time will increase your chances of having multiples. This includes things like age, being taller,…

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In theory, anything that increases your chance of ovulating more than one egg at a time will increase your chances of having multiples. This includes things like age, being taller, and eating a diet high in protein. Let’s dig into that some more.

First, it’s important to discuss the different types of twin pregnancies: Dizygotic (or DZ) and Monozygotic (or MZ).

DZ pregnancies refer to twins that are created from two different eggs becoming fertilized at the same time. Whether that is from hyper ovulation (releasing multiple eggs at once) or fertility treatments, this results in fraternal twins.

MZ pregnancies, on the other hand, occur when one egg is fertilized and splits into two, identical embryos. This results in identical twins.

So what can affect your odds of having multiples?

Twins in the family

Many scientists argue that hyperovulation can run in a woman’s family resulting in a higher rate of twins. A male cannot contribute to the release of an egg so, therefore, cannot affect the ovulation status of his partner. A father can, however, pass down the genetic factor of hyperovulation to his daughters who may be more likely to conceive twins in the future.

Fertility Medications / Treatments

There are many reasons why people experience infertility and choose to undergo fertility treatments to conceive children. Some fertility medications can cause hyperovulation, increasing the chances that a woman may carry a set of dizygotic (DZ) twins. According to the Mayo Clinic, these are a few examples of common medications, and what they do:

Clomiphene citrate (Clomid). Stimulates ovulation by causing the pituitary gland to release certain hormones.

Injections that stimulate the ovary to produce multiple eggs. Used to improve a woman’s insulin resistance when this is the suspected cause of infertility.

Letrozole (Femara). Works similarly to Clomiphene, but is used mostly in women under the age of 39 who have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).

Another type of fertility treatment that can affect the chance of conceiving multiples is In-vitro Fertilization (IVF). This process includes taking eggs from a woman’s body, sperm from a man’s body, and fertilizing them in a medical lab. After fertilization, the product becomes an embryo and the patient chooses how many embryos to transfer into the uterus in hopes of implantation. If the patient transfers two or more embryos at one time, the odds of a multiple pregnancy increase.

Certain health conditions

Some argue that certain health conditions or statuses can lead to an increased rate of conceiving twins, specifically obesity. Obesity is defined as having a Body Mass Index (BMI) over 30. Although this may be true, there is not much scientific evidence to back it up. In fact, studies show that being overweight or obese increases the risk for pregnancy complications including gestational diabetes and preterm labor. Be sure to discuss the ideal diet and level of activity during pregnancy, and while trying to conceive, with your healthcare provider.

Age and Past Pregnancies

Advanced Maternal Age (AMA) is associated with an increased chance of conceiving twins. This also goes hand in hand with parity which refers to the number of previous pregnancies a woman has had. The more pregnancies a woman has undergone, and the higher her age, the greater chance that she will have twins in future pregnancies.

Urban Legends

It is worth mentioning that some people share stories that encourage certain behaviors in order to increase the chances of conceiving twins. Although these have not been backed by science, they have been told for many years and are interesting to discuss! Here are some common ones:

Eating extra dairy: Some say the protein in dairy can increase the odds of conceiving twins.

Increasing folic acid: This nutrient is essential during pregnancy because it reduces the risk for life-threatening conditions such as Spina Bifida in babies. However, some claim that taking folic acid before becoming pregnant may help you have multiples.

Sweet Potatoes: These may contain nutrients that increase your odds of twinning

Eat Cassava: Sometimes referred to as yucca, is a root vegetable that is believed by some to induce hyperovulation.

Drinking Bourbon before conceiving: This beverage has high levels of phytoestrogen.

Good, Old Fashioned Luck!

Ultimately, many twin pregnancies are the result of luck. Even if a woman has a family history of hyper ovulation, is of advanced maternal age, and is taking fertility medications, the conception of twins comes down to her body’s ovulation during that cycle and the success of implantation.

Good luck!

Sources: 20354313

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Meet Disney’s Cheaper by the Dozen’s Identical Twins! Sun, 20 Mar 2022 03:52:28 +0000 If you had school-aged children in 2003, chances are they were captivated and delighted by the Baker family in Cheaper by the Dozen, starring Steve Martin and Bonny Hunt as…

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If you had school-aged children in 2003, chances are they were captivated and delighted by the Baker family in Cheaper by the Dozen, starring Steve Martin and Bonny Hunt as the parents to 12 energetic and trouble-making children (Ashton Kutcher’s underwear soaked in meat still makes me laugh to this day).

The story was first told in a 1940s bestselling novel, was adapted to the screen for the first time in 1950, and re-entered the hearts of children and families around the world in the early 2000s.

On March 18, 2022, Disney released a new take on the tale on their streaming platform, starring Zach Braff and Gabrielle Union as the parents of a blended family with 12 children.


Among the new wacky dozen are Bronx and Bailey, played by 9-year-old identical twins Sebastian and Christian Cote.

So who ARE Sebastian and Christian Cote?

Although Cheaper by the Dozen is their feature film debut, Sebastian and Christian have been working toward this big break since the tender age of three. The Baltimore, Maryland natives signed with a talent agent and began modeling together – mainly working on commercials for several years.

The twins made the shift to television in 2020, where they played George Keller in the Hulu horror series, Monsterland.

When they aren’t pursuing their acting dreams or working hard in school, Sebastian and Christian are your typical nine-year-old boys. They love playing video games and sports, and are particularly talented in basketball, lacrosse, and soccer. You can often find them hanging out with friends or watching movies. They’re both fans of the Disney movie Encanto.

Just Because They’re Identical Doesn’t Mean They’re Exactly Alike

Like most identical twins, it can be challenging to tell them apart at first glance. However, their shared experiences, along with distinct motivations and interests make them anything but the same.

The bond shared by identical twins is unique and challenging. Unlike sibling rivalry in singletons, “Twin” rivalry, as described by Dr. Joan A. Friedman, is part of a healthy twin relationship. It can often be conflated though, with a misconception that twins can or should always share the same thoughts and feelings.

Sebastian and Christian shared some of their differences and similarities that contribute to their strong bond as brothers and friends as they experience an exciting new chapter in their acting careers.

What’s your most challenging acting role so far?
Sebastian: “My role as Bronx Baker in Cheaper by the Dozen was the most challenging because there were a lot more lines to remember and more emotions to show.”

Christian: “Young George Keller in Hulu’s anthology series “Monsterland” because I had to show more of a range of emotions.”

Which genre of acting do you feel you’d like to explore?
Christian: “I would like to explore Horror because I want to make people scared or creeped out.”

Sebastian: “For me, Action because I want to do fight scenes and my own stunts.”

Who do you consider to be your acting role model or whose career you would like to emulate, and why?
Sebastian: “Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson is my acting role model because he’s strong, determined and does some of his own stunts.

Christian: “I consider Lin-Manuel Miranda my acting role model because he acts, sings and writes his own music.”

What’s your dream career?
Sebastian: “I want to be a DJ like Marshmello.”

Christian: “I want to be a doctor, chef and continue to act.”

Life and Family

Christian and Sebastian have done almost everything together. They’re active in sports and excel at school.

What is your favorite memory of one another?
Sebastian: “My favorite memory is smashing cake in each other’s faces during our Zoom quarantine birthday party.”

Christian: “It was riding horses on a mountain in LA.”

What is one thing that you can do well that the other can’t?
Sebastian: “I actually pass the ball and can do layups in basketball.”

Christian: “I can cook better than him.”

What nicknames do you have for each other?
Both: “We call each other Crash and Bash.”

Finally, of course, we have to ask, what is the silliest question you’ve gotten about being twins?
Both: “Are you twins??”

What’s Next?

Sebastian uses words like “cool,” “helpful,” and “funny” to describe his brother. Christian thinks of his sibling as “friendly, “generous” and “smart”. Does this mean more success working together on future projects? We’ll have to wait and see!

As they experience the thrill of their first feature film, we can’t wait to see where their ambition and passion for life will take them next!

You can keep up with everything Sebastian and Christian are doing via their Instagram, @TheCote_Twins.

And be sure to watch and show your support for Sebastian and Christian’s film debut in Cheaper by the Dozen Available now and only on Disney+.

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What’s It Like to Raise Twin Boys? Thu, 13 Jan 2022 22:01:39 +0000 So you just found out you are having twins! Congratulations! You will soon be part of an elite group of moms whose mothering experiences qualify them for the “Believe It…

The post What’s It Like to Raise Twin Boys? appeared first on TWINS Magazine.

So you just found out you are having twins!

Congratulations! You will soon be part of an elite group of moms whose mothering experiences qualify them for the “Believe It or Not!” Club. Friends and family over the years will tell you that if they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes or heard it with their own ears, they wouldn’t believe you.

For example, to be rudely graphic, my identical twin baby boys used to fart at exactly the same time—no kidding. My mother-in-law and I would together bottle feed my infant boys and literally within seconds of each other, they would loudly pass gas. The babies were just weeks old, so this wasn’t a planned prank by mischievous male teenagers! (Though prepare yourself for this in the upcoming teen years.) My mother-in-law repeated this story to everyone, saying that if she wasn’t there in person, she wouldn’t have believed it.

Then there were the nights of the tag team crying episodes.

One infant would wake up crying in his crib, and either my husband or I would stagger into the nursery in the wee hours, pat the perpetrator back to sleep, and tiptoe slowly back to bed only—to have the other one start wailing. Hubby and I took turns, sometimes all night long. It took its toll on us physically to the point that we both looked like something the cat dragged in. Proof of this was when I ran into an old high school friend who took one horrified look at me and said, “Karen! What happened?!” My reply: “Twins.”

People may think that if you have identical twins, they will be alike in many ways. Sure they look exactly alike, but in other ways, it may not be even remotely true. For example, my boys are ‘mirror image twins.’ One’s a lefty and one’s a righty. One is a serious, less patient type, and the other is Mr. Easygoing, as evidenced in this early photo. They are going to be 40 years old this year, and this personality difference still holds true.

Also, prepare yourself for the sinister plots your toddlers come up with. They will conspire secretly and shock the heck out of you when you least expect it. For example, and to be graphic again, I learned to pee in 20 seconds or less because of the mischief they would get into whenever I closed the bathroom door behind me. The last straw was when I came out of the bathroom after a 20 seconds pee only to find one toddler standing on the dining room table reaching for the chandelier, and the other one climbing up on a chair to join him. Believe it or not, that was the last time I peed without an audience for a long time.

I will end this congratulatory message with a few interesting and heartwarming observations and synchronicities for you to be on the alert for as your twins are growing up:

  • In elementary school, their differing personalities seemed to compliment each other when it came to making friends and fitting in with their classmates. Plus, living in a small home and having to share a bedroom and toys 24/7 helped them become expert negotiators and problem solvers among their friends.
  • During the boys’ senior year in high school, I was at home suffering periodically from the extreme effects of chemotherapy. On my sickest days, one of them always seemed to ‘stop by’ on their lunch period to check on me… and they both claim that they didn’t plan it that way.
  • Along those same lines, in their older years when they call to say hello to me, more times than not, they call within 5 minutes of each other, unaware that the other had called.

All in all, being a mom of twins has been the single best thing that ever happened to me in my life, gray hair and all!

I have a feeling you just might think so too! Keep your eyes open and your sense of humor ready for the “Believe It or Not!” moments… and welcome to the club!

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Celebrating Kwanzaa! Sun, 26 Dec 2021 06:14:45 +0000 Swahili – Kwanzaa yenu iwe na heri! English – Happy Kwanzaa! Kwanzaa (kwahn-ZAH) or May your Kwanzaa be blessed Kwanzaa is a 7-day celebration of community, family, culture, and values beginning December…

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Swahili – Kwanzaa yenu iwe na heri!
English – Happy KwanzaaKwanzaa (kwahn-ZAH) or May your Kwanzaa be blessed

Kwanzaa is a 7-day celebration of community, family, culture, and values beginning December 26, culminating in a communal feast called Karamu. Established in 1966, the week-long celebration encourages African-Americans to reconnect with their African roots and heritage.

Although rooted in African culture, no matter your racial or ethnic background, join the celebration! Celebrate your roots with us this week!

How is Kwanzaa celebrated?

Kwanzaa is celebrated from December 26 to January 1. The term Kwanzaa is derived from the phrase “matunda ya kwanza which means “first fruits” in Swahili.

Each day of Kwanzaa emphasizes a new principle, and the evening candle-lighting ceremony provides an opportunity to discuss each principle and its meaning.

Alongside the seven principles, Kwanzaa also has seven symbols:

  1. Mazao: The crops, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts.
  2. Mkeka: The placemat, made from straws or cloth.
  3. Vibunzi: Ear of corn, which means stalk of corn.
  4. Mishumaa Saba: The seven candles (preferably three green, three red, and one black.)
  5. Kinara: The candleholder.
  6. Kikombe Cha Umoja: The Unity Cup.
  7. Zawadi: Gifts.

The principles, called Nguzo Saba (seven principles in Swahili) are values of African culture. Here are the seven days and their principles.

Day 1: Umoja (Unity)

On this night, the black candle in the center is lit, and the first principle of Umoja (Unity) is discussed.

Unity reminds us that it’s important to stay united as a family, and as a community in the human race.

Day 2: Kujichagulia (Self-Determination)

On the second day of Kwanzaa, we celebrate the principle Kujichagulia, which is self-determination. The action of defining, naming, creating, and speaking for ourselves. It’s often a recurring theme between parents of multiples.

Emphasis is placed on the importance of each of us, as individuals, through self-empowerment and determination. There’s no question that twins offer a unique twist on how we approach self-empowerment. Here’s a bit more.

Day 3: Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility)

On the third day, we celebrate the principle of Ujima, which is collective work and responsibility.

In these trying times, your kids will find it useful to know all about building and maintaining your community and working together, as a unit, to solve problems together. Being active in the community is a perfect way to honor your rich heritage.

Day 4: Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics)

The importance of Ujamaa lies in building and maintaining retail stores and other businesses, and profiting from these ventures. Everything we consume is meant to support family and our community. Look for opportunities to support your local businesses.

Day 5: Nia (Purpose)

The fifth principle, Nia, is purpose. As a unique group with a rich history, teaching your kids about their roots and how to exercise their purpose will help them build stronger communities. Get more perspective here.

Day 6:  Kuumba (Creativity)

On this day, we light the 6th candle of Kwanzaa. We celebrate how we can channel our creative energies to help build and preserve a strong and vibrant community. We can do this through:

  • gifting grandparents art made by our twins
  • painting murals to beautify daycare/school walls
  • cooking cultural foods or meals for our family and friends
  • tending to family and community gardens
  • sculpting statues of historical significance

    kwanzaa pic Photo by Askar Abayev from Pexels

    Photo by Askar Abayev from Pexels

Day 7:  Imani (Faith)

Last but not least, we have the final principle Imani, which is faith. The importance of Imani lies in the belief in God, family, heritage, leaders, and others that will lead to the victory and well-being of not just African Americans but all of us around the world.

Let’s teach our children to hold onto their beliefs and traditions to preserve them for the upcoming generations.

We hope you liked our Kwanzaa rundown! We provided a brief insight into the pillars that make it a celebration with a purpose. You can learn more about Kwanzaa and its rich history and roots here.

The post Celebrating Kwanzaa! appeared first on TWINS Magazine.
