Center for Loss in Multiple Birth Inc.
Founded in 1987, CLIMB, Inc. deals with parents who have experienced the death of a multiple or multiples during pregnancy, birth infancy or childhood. It publishes the quarterly “Our Newsletter” and has an active parent contact network. Various articles and assistance are available to parents of twins clubs, professionals and parent support groups.
PO Box 91377
Anchorage, AK 99509
(907) 222-5321 (one hour earlier than the West Coast)
National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs, Inc. (NOMOTC)
Founded in 1960, the NOMOTC is a national support organization for families with twins, triplets and higher-order multiples. With over 400+ clubs across the US, log onto their website to find a local chapter nearest you. Visit their website at:
SHARE: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Inc.
Provides support toward positive resolution of grief experienced at the time of and/or following the death of a baby. This support encompasses emotional, physical, spiritual and social healing, as well as sustaining the family unit. Provides information, education, and resources for the needs and rights of bereaved parents and siblings. Offers community aid to those involved with the bereaved.
St Joseph Health Center
300 First Capitol Dr
St Charles, MO 63301
(800) 821-6819
(314) 947-6164
Twin Resource Center
The Twin Resource Center is a professional counseling and education service dedicated to improving life quality for twins, higher order multiples and their loved ones. The center was founded and is directed by Jacqueline Parker Hatch, a licensed clinical social worker, twin, daughter of a twin and a survivor of twin loss. For additional information please visit the Twin Resource Center website.
Twinless Twins International
The late Dr. Raymond Brandt, whose identical twin was accidentally killed at age 20, founded and directed Twinless Twin Support Group. The Twinless Twins Support Group, a resource for families who have experienced a death or terminal illness of a twin or other multiple.
PO Box 980481
Ypsilanti, MI 48198
(888) 205-8962
Twin Things
Janice Webster is an identical twin who maintains a blog regarding losing a twin.