30 Easy Spring Self-Care Ideas for Homeschool Moms

Spring is in the air and the homeschool year is almost done. It’s time to pamper ourselves a little with a little spring self-care to finish the year strong.

With only a couple of months left of the school year, it’s time to take a deep breath and look at how far you’ve come and congratulate yourself for all of your dedication and hard work.

It is a great time to take a little extra time out for yourself and try some of these spring self-care ideas. They might just be what you need to refresh a little and finish the year strong.

  1. Nothing says spring than a spring cleaning & decluttering. This might not seem like self-care for some homeschool moms out there, but there are moms who thrive on clean and decluttered homes. Take a few days off and clean up your homeschool area. Clean spaces reduce stress and help productivity. Who says you can’t have a little spring-cleaning break?
  2. Read a book. Have you been neglecting your own reading time in order to cater to everyone else? Buy or borrow a book that’s on your wish list and escape reality for a bit. Read when your kids are reading or riding their bikes and don’t forget to pour yourself a cup of your favorite drink.
  3. Speaking of coffee, this spring self-care idea involves going out for coffee. Go by yourself, or with a friend or your spouse on a date. Treat yourself, you have worked hard and deserve it.
  4. Listen to a podcast. Find one that is uplifting and builds you up and pop in the earbuds and tune out the world for a little.
  5. Go for a new haircut. A new haircut and style is just the thing to get rid of the dry winter split ends and freshen up your look.
  6. Get a new houseplant or two. Houseplants are great for improving air quality and look nice, too. Look for the ones that are hard to kill and that don’t mind being neglected.
  7. Eat more fresh fruits and veggies. In your meal planning and grocery shopping, add a few extra healthy fruits and veggies. Your body will thank you.
  8. Buy yourself some flowers or pick some if you have a garden. Fresh flowers are a great way to bring spring indoors and you are worth it.
  9. It’s time to sort through the winter wardrobe and pack away the bulky sweaters.
  10. Now that you’ve sorted through your wardrobe, you are sure to need a few new pieces. Bring out the light and flowy pieces and get yourself something new.
  11. Go on a picnic or eat outdoors.
  12. Try a new hobby.
  13. Make a spring playlist.
  14. Take care of your skin. Now that the winter is over, your skin might be a little dry and dull. Take the time to exfoliate and hydrate.
  15. Make your home smell good. Open the windows and diffuse some essential oils.
  16. Go for a walk in nature or for a bike ride through the woods. The exercise is good for you and nature has healing powers. It can lower stress and blood pressure and enhance immune function.
  17. Tidy up your favorite outdoor space. Make the outdoors an inviting place to be. Dig out those cushions and wipe down the dusty patio furniture. After all, you’re going to need a comfy place to read your book.
  18. Bring spring into your space. Decorate for the season. Keep it simple. Add new pillows or flowers to your space.
  19. Limit your screen time. We all know that spending time on screens all day has negative effects on our body, mind, and soul.
  20. Start a journal. It can be a gratitude journal, a mindset journal, or a brain dump and write down whatever-makes-me feel-better kind of journal. Journaling can be helpful in reducing stress and healing past traumas.
  21. Re-visit your daily routine. Are you feeling like you aren’t getting enough done in a day? Are you always stressed and exhausted? Maybe it’s time to work on setting up a daily routine that refreshes you and leaves you feeling accomplished instead of exhausted.
  22. Wash your car and give it a good cleaning. If you can afford it, get it detailed. If not, clean out all the junk and vacuum out the remnants of winter road debris. Drive it through the car wash and enjoy it before your kids totally trash it again.
  23. Plan a day out. Go somewhere for the day. This should be somewhere that refreshes you. You know what you need. Go for it.
  24. Take up gardening. Get outside and plant a few flowers. Gardening is good for you if it doesn’t stress you out.
  25. Start a fitness routine and drink more water. Spring is a great time to get back on the fitness wagon. Working out sucks until your workout is over and then you feel amazing.
  26. Learn something new. Maybe you’ve been wanting to learn a new language or how to hang-glide. Now is as good a time as any to learn something new.
  27. Book yourself a massage. If you have never gone for a massage, you are missing out. A massage can be so relaxing and who deserves a massage more than a busy homeschool mom?
  28. Go on a date. Sometimes as homeschool moms, we get so involved with our kids that our spouse doesn’t get the best of us. It is important to tend the marriage garden and spend time taking care of the marriage. Time away from the kids is important and can be refreshing.
  29. Spring is a great time to visit your favorite shop for a manicure and pedicure. 
  30. The last spring self-care idea is a little cliché, but what the heck! Fill the tub and take a bubble bath. No, a bubble bath won’t solve all of your problems, but it can be relaxing. Grab a glass of wine and enjoy.

Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish. You’ve probably heard that one before. Spring self-care is as important as self-care any other time of the year.

For a long time, I thought that self-care was a luxury for the rich and famous. It led to burnout and severe adrenal fatigue.

Do you have a favorite way to relax? Which spring self-care ideas are you going to try? Leave me a comment below.

Tina von Hatten

Tina von Hatten is a homeschooling mom, author, and blogger at http://underthreeacres.com. She and her husband Sascha run a small homestead with their 8 children in rural Alberta.

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